The chart about communicative skills. (for these two documents maybe you will need to upload to some site as Slideshare) The chart about cooperative learning. Your display for the class: supposing I have a class of 15 students, divide students in three gropus (5 students for each group) The KWL chart. Your personal thought: What did you learn? I've learnt differences between language of, language for and language through. How did you learn? Looking for specific examples of each one. Do you have any problem? I have had a problem to found examples of language through. It is spontaneous, but teacher must prepare students to let it appear. Would you like to investigate a bit more about any subject? yes, I would like to investigate a litlle bit more about cooperative techniques. The OCDE has recently published PISA 2015 Results which for the first time evaluates collaborative resolve problems, because it considers that is very important for our society. Which question do you propose to someone who read this post to help you with CLIL? have you used any useful collaborative technique? can you explain me here?
